
PressHarbor Rocks!

Here’s a quick unsolicited endorsement for PressHarbor, the WordPress hosting company where my blogs The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century and Global Nerdy live. They didn’t ask me to plug them or even know that I’m doing so.

pressharborPressHarbor rocks! Yesterday, an entry of mine from back in May – Bacon Pancakes – got 20,000 pageviews and as of 9:30 this morning it’s already up to 15,000. Another article of mine, New Programming Jargon, amassed over 80,000 pageviews in a single day. The servers at most hosting companies catering to individuals would’ve keeled over under the bandwidth stresses that my blogs put on them, but PressHarbor’s have kept on ticking though mass visits brought on by Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Twitter or any other “Dude, check this out!” kind of web service.

If you’re looking for kick-ass seven-kinds-of-awesome WordPress hosting, I highly recommend PressHarbor.