
“Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?”

Cover of 'Mommy, Why is There are Server in the House.

Well, here’s a book title I wasn’t expecting…

Cover of “Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?”
And while we’re at it, why is Mommy taking off her shirt in front of the webcam?

This promotion for Windows Home Server
is done up in the style of “Mommy, Where Do I Come From?” childrens’ books, and it is high-larious. Gizomodo’s got scans of the entire book — check ’em out!

Page from the book: “When a mommy and daddy love each other very much, the daddy wants to give the mommy a special gift.”
Ooh! Daddy’s going to Mommy a server! Watch for the follow up book, Why is Daddy Sleeping on the Couch?

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