
Internet Traffic at 112% Above Normal; It’s Probably iOS 7’s Fault

Akamai’s Real-Time Web Monitor, as of this writing, is reporting that internet traffic is at 112% above normal. It more than likely has something to do with all those iOS users downloading iOS 7, which came out today. I expect it’ll shoot up even higher once the North American workday ends.

Here’s what network traffic looked like in Europe on Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 at 4:05 p.m. Eastern (GMT-4):

akamai internet traffic europe 2013-09-18

And here’s what it looked like in North America at about the same time:

akamai internet traffic north america 2013-09-18

If you’re planning on upgrading your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch tonight, hop on a wifi network and either:

  • Do it straight on your iDevice by going to Settings, selecting General, and then selecting Software Update.
  • Do it by downloading and installing iTunes 11.1, and then connecting your iDevice to your iTunes 11.1-equipped computer.

19 replies on “Internet Traffic at 112% Above Normal; It’s Probably iOS 7’s Fault”

[…] Como indican en Fortune, ese ritmo de adopción también se ha notado en el tráfico en Internet: el nuevo firmware ocupa 1,2 Gbytes que los usuarios deben descargar a sus ordenadores antes de la instalación final, y durante las últimas horas del miércoles y las primeras horas del jueves ese tráfico creció un 112% según Akamai. […]

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