
The Sort of Cool “How-To” You’ll See at Toronto Mini Maker Faire: How to Make LED “Throwies”

toronto mini maker faire logoWith the Toronto Mini Maker Faire coming up, I thought I’d show you this simple little “recipe” for making the sort of simple-but-cool techie things that you’ll see (and hopefully, learn how to make) at the Toronto Mini Maker Faire coming up this Saturday and Sunday.

Check out these instructions for making an LED “throwie” or “blinkie”, a little light with a magnet that you can stick to all sorts of metal surfaces, to make the world (or at least the ferromagnetic parts of it) your very of “Lite-Brite” set!

And don’t forget to check out the Toronto Mini Maker Faire!


Click any of these photos to see the full set of instructions for making a “throwie”.550px-Make-LED-Throwies-Step-2




For those of you who prefer video instructions, I’ve got you covered, too:

This article also appears in The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.

2 replies on “The Sort of Cool “How-To” You’ll See at Toronto Mini Maker Faire: How to Make LED “Throwies””

The magnets are rare earth magnets, available inexpensively from Lee Valley Tools (, both in store and online. They are awesome things. I have a zillion LVT ring magnets on my fridge.

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