
Two Great Tastes That Taste Great (via Bluetooth)

Think ROKR missed the mark on mashing up mobile phone with the iPod? BlueEye may be a better way to get the best of both worlds (at least until Apple releases their own sooper seekrit iPhone).

BluEye syncs up with your mobile phone via Bluetooth. When you get a call, it alerts you through your earphones with your ringtone and gives you the option of answering or ignoring the call. If you answer, the hands-free microphone handles all talking duties, while the BluEye pauses the iPod and displays caller ID information on the screen. Missed a call? Scroll through a list of your 9 most recent calls on the iPod, choose a number and BluEye will make the call for you.

No need to haul that mobile out of your pocket for the mundane task of calling someone now.


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