
Question: besides the Times, what other MSM matrons have had a social news makeover?

It is both a measure of the sheer prestige of this blog, and the natural tendency of Canadians to stick together, that we get comments from respectable, professional journalists like Mathew "Geekwatch," Ingram.

Well, perhaps it's just the Canadians sticking together thing. Either way, we'll take it.

Matthew, without being boastful, notes that his very own mainstream media meal ticket, Canada's Globe and Mail, has sported social news widgets at the foot of their stories for six months now:

Which raises the question, how many other MSM dowagers have gone in for a discreet social news/web 2.0 nip-and-tuck? A quick scan of four of the other five-widest circulation dailies in the US says:

  • USA Today: Nope.
  • Wall Street Journal: Nope, although they do get points for Technorati cosmos widgets at the bottom of their articles.
  • LA Times:  Nope. The Technorati widgets on their pages don't appear to be article-specific, either, so they offer very limited blogospherical context
  • Washington Post: Yep. There's a little sidebar widget that lets readers share stories with, Reddit, Digg, Google, Yahoo!, and Facebook.

That's two of the top five papers in America (and the Globe) doing the social news thing.

Who else?

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