
JRuby 1.0 Released!

JRuby logoIt hasn’t even been a year since Sun hired JRuby contributors Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo to work on it full-time. It’s been an even shorter period since Ola Bini (whom I had the pleasure of meeting at RailsConf 2007) got hired to do the same by Thoughtworks.

In that short span of time, they’ve done something impressive: they (and all the other contributors involved) have brought JRuby to version 1.0.

According to InfoQ:

The release is being termed as “Ruby compatible” with all known JRuby bugs causing incompatibilities with Matz’s Ruby (MRI) resolved. Applications should “just work” out of the box.

Here’s InfoQ’s summary of Charles Nutter’s roadmap for JRuby post version 1.0:

  • Performance:
    In the last year speed has been increased by an order of magnitude and a JIT compiler has been enabled. The team will continue to work on improving the JRuby speed and performance.
  • Java Integration: Today libraries can be called, interfaces implemented, and classes extended. Edge cases exist however. A redesigned integration API is targeted for 1.1.
  • Ruby 2.0 and Rubinius: The goal is to support Ruby 2.0 and Rubinius byte code execution soon.

We at Global Nerdy would like to congratulate the JRuby (and NetBeans) teams on a job well done. We salute you with a filet mignon on a flaming sword!