
Rant Said Zed: I’m Too Sexy for My Rails

Fred Fairbrass and Zed Shaw, side by side. The resemblance is uncanny!

(The resemblance between Fred “Right Said Fred” Fairbrass and Zed Shaw — uncanny, isn’t it?)

Inspired by the now-infamous rant by Zed Shaw, I’m changing my presentation topic at Tuesday’s TSOT Ruby/Rails Project Night to “Rant Said Zed: I’m Too Sexy for My Rails (or: Lessons and Challenges from Zed Shaw’s Rant”). If you’re free Tuesday evening, you might want to catch this.

Fred Fairbrass and Zed Shaw, side by side. The resemblance is uncanny!
The resemblance is uncanny, isn’t it?
Zed Shaw photo by Adewale Oshineye — click the photo to see it on its Flickr page.

By now, most Rails developers — and even a number of people who couldn’t care less about Rails — have read Zed Shaw’s infamous rant titled Rails is a Ghetto. It’s given me a lot to think about, and as a result, I’m changing my presentation topic at Tuesday’s TSOT Ruby/Rails Project Night to Rant Said Zed: I’m Too Sexy for my Rails (or: Lessons and Challenges from Zed Shaw’s Rant). I promise that it’ll be both informing and entertaining.

  • Want to know more about Tuesday’s TSOT Ruby/Rails Project Night, which takes place this Tuesday, January 8th? See this entry.
  • Want to sign up? Email me!

Aside: A Quick Trip Down Memory Lane

How can I reference Right Said Fred without showing you the video for their one hit?

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