
ASCII Curtains

Here’s something for people with both nerdy and interior design tendencies: ASCII curtains!

ASCII curtains

Here’s something for people with both nerdy and interior design tendencies: ASCII curtains!

Full view of ASCII curtains

The kids today may not remember ASCII art, but those of use who grew up in the era of dot matrix and daisywheel printers will find these curtains hauntingly familiar. From a distance, designer Nieke Sybrandy’s curtains show a tree branch design, but close up, you can see that the design is made of up dot matrix printer characters:

ASCII curtains

There are some other interesting geek-friendly designs at Nieke Sybrandy’s site, including duct tape that looks like band-aids and a tablecloth that looks like a blueprint. If you can read Dutch, I’d love it if you could translate some of the text for me!

[Found via GearCrave]

3 replies on “ASCII Curtains”

My Dutch is pretty poor (it’s an ass of a language to learn), but here’s my translation of the duct-tape text:

With ‘strong plaster’ you can permanently or temporarily fasten all sorts of things. Send your most beautiful ‘plaster work’ to etc…

I’ll only bother with the first paragraph of the tablecloth in the hopes that someone better at it than me can make less of a mess:

Special events, such as the building of a house, were traditionally a reason to give a [tablecloth?] as a present to the new occupants. This tablecloth, complete with construction drawings, takes that tradition to new levels!

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