
How to Get Skype Running on 64-Bit “Hardy Heron”

How to Get Skype Running on Your 64-Bit Linux Box: If you’re running Linux on a Core Duo or AMD64-based machine, you haven’t been able to run Skype on it…until now! If you’ve got a 64-bit machine running the latest Ubuntu — version 8.04, a.k.a. “Hardy Heron”, enter the following on the command line and you’ll be Skyping away (and not just text chat, but audio and video as well): sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2; wget -O skype-install.deb; sudo dpkg -i --force-all skype-install.deb; (there’s also stuff for getting Skype to work on previous 64-bit Ubuntus and dealing with a webcam that refuses to work).

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