
Interview with IronRuby’s John Lam at PDC2008

I’m meeting up with a lot of interesting new people and catching up with old friends and collegaues here at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC) 2008 in the Los Angeles Convention Center. Among the people I ran into was John Lam of the IronRuby project. This was the prefect opportunity for me to conduct my first podcast interview as a Microsoft Developer Evangelist. I asked John to explain IronRuby to people who’d never heard of it and to give us a quick summary of the current state of the project.

My thanks to John Bristowe for suggesting that I conduct the interview and for doing the camera and post-production work!

One reply on “Interview with IronRuby’s John Lam at PDC2008”

That sounds like it could be a cool video. Too bad it’s done with Silverlight — under Firefox the boilerplate JS claims I don’t have the plugin installed (false, I have 2.0 final), and under IE7 the player loads but won’t play the video…

I hope you can get this fixed — I’d really like to see the interview.

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