
Gnu’s Night Out

Suppose you’re a plush Free Software Foundation animal and you’ve just arrived in Montreal and “gnu” in town. What do you do? You hang out the with speakers and university delegates from the CUSEC conference for a night on the town!

For dinner, we went to L’Academie on Crescent Street, a restaurant where the food is prepared by student chefs training to work in three- and four-star restaurants. Here’s the gnu enjoying some Masi:

My plush gnu with a glass of red wine

Afterwards, it was off to Brutopia for an evening of fun and drinking games:

My plush gnu with a glass of oatmeal stout

Brutopia make a wonderful oatmeal stout. I think the gnu’s glad he joined the Dark Beer Side!

My plush gnu with a glass of oatmeal stout

I’m going to take the gnu on my trip to Seattle next week, where I’ll be attending Microsoft’s Techready internal conference (after searching him for FSF listening devices, of course). Watch this blog for photos of the gnu’s tour of the city, and maybe even the offices in Redmond!

5 replies on “Gnu’s Night Out”

Hrm, I wondered when you’d end up in my kneck of the woods after joining the beast from the eastside. :)

Drop me an email and let me know when you are going to be here/have a free evening. Unbeknownst to you, I owe you a beer.

If you drop me a line I might even be convinced to tell you why. :)

(Queue mysterious music)


P.S. It isn’t really that mysterious, or really that interesting. I swear. Email me anyway, I know where all the best pubs are. ;)

Can I borrow your gnu pic? I need it to make a hideous pun.. “Happy Gnu Beer” feel free to use this as trade for the wonderful pic.
And a Happy Gnu Ear to you!
(credit will be given!) thanks and have fun..

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