
The Silverlight Tour: Travelling Across Canada This Summer!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.

Sliverlight Tour logoIf you’ve been meaning to get into building rich internet applications using Silverlight, you might want to check out The Silverlight Tour. Billed as “a worldwide three-day course on Silverlight”, the Tour mixes lectures, demonstrations and hands on labs, covering Silverlight development from three angles:

  • Design
  • Development
  • Server-Side Code

The Silverlight Tour people have been keeping up with the latest developments. While they cover development in Silverlight 2, they’ve already updated their seminars to cover the latest and greatest features in the upcoming Silverlight 3.

According to their site, here’s what you get:

  • 3 days of intensive Silverlight 2 and 3
  • Coverage of Expression Blend and Visual Studio
  • Architect Silverlight Solutions
  • Understand the full Control Model and Customization
  • Data Access and Web Services

The full details are covered in their workshop outline.

They’ve announced a set of Canadian tour dates, most of which are in the summer:

  • Montreal: July 13 – 15
  • Vancouver: July 20 – 22
  • Ottawa: August 3 – 5
  • Quebec City: August 10-12
  • Toronto: November 11 – 13

Registration for this hardcore three-day workshop is $1995 – the registration page is here.

One reply on “The Silverlight Tour: Travelling Across Canada This Summer!”

the first step for the cloud technology!!!

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