
Damian Conway’s Talk, “The Missing Link”: Monday July 27th in Toronto

Damian Conway

Although I’m not a terribly big fan of the Perl programming language, I am a big fan of one of its best-known contributors and advocates, Damian Conway. There’s nothing quite like a Damian Conway presentation, which is equal parts pop culture, deep science, software engineering and Monty Python’s Flying Circus. I make it a point to see him whenever he comes to Toronto, and that’s happening next Monday, July 27th to the Bahen Centre for Information Technology at University of Toronto to give another amusing, enlightening and most importantly, free talk. This one’s called The Missing Link, and here’s the abstract:

What do:

  • watching trees grow,
  • debugging debuggers,
  • Greek mythology,
  • code that writes code that writes code that writes code,
  • the hazards of LaTeX, successful failures,
  • the treacherous Vorta,
  • objective syntax,
  • anti-stacks,
  • Danish mind-control,
  • active null statements,
  • synthetic standup,
  • and the prospect of certain death

…all have in common?           

Watch as Damian Conway weaves them together into a new and improbably useful module that demonstrates the awesome power and beauty of Perl 5.10.

Even if you’ll never write a line of Perl in your life (which, IMHO, isn’t necessarily a bad thing), you’d do well to catch a Damian Conway presentation. His guided tours of his way-out-in-left-field thinking about life, the universe, programming and everything will turn your brain upside down, give you some good laughs, make you think about coding differently and might even make you a better developer.

Once again, the details:

  • When: Monday, July 27th at 7:00 p.m.
  • Where: Bahen Centre, University of Toronto (40 St. George Street), room 1160 (the major lecture theatre on the ground floor)
  • How much? Free!

Show up early to make sure you get a good seat. I’ll see you there!

4 replies on “Damian Conway’s Talk, “The Missing Link”: Monday July 27th in Toronto”

I think it is great irony that over all the popular scripting languages of the moment, Perl has non-crazy scoping and the best closure support (something you’d expect more from a LISPy, clean language). Perl 6 might be too late (it makes Perl much more sensible), and that’s kind of too bad…


Not to mention a flexible “object model,” if you can call it that. The Moose::* projects and the idea of roles instead of inheritance where it makes sense is awesome. The language feels like it is owned more by the community than a central doctrine. You don’t really get that with the other popular dynamic languages.

Modern Perl is a very sane language to be working with.

Thought I still prefer Lisp… or Python if I have to.

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