
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, the odds are better than even that you either make presentations or will do so eventually. That’s why, from time to time, I’ll point you to some resources for public speaking and presentations, here on Global Nerdy.

presentation secrets of steve jobs

One good resource is Carmine Gallo’s book, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, in which the author examines Steve Jobs’ legendary keynote presentations – Stevenotes – and distills helpful lessons on how to be a more effective presenter. For a taste of the book, here’s a SlideShare presentation that sums up its big ideas:

There’s a lot of presenting in my line of work. In fact, it’s a personal requirement for me. In the past, I’ve turned down higher-paying jobs because they didn’t involve presenting, blogging o’r any other public-facing activity. Maintaining and improving my presentation skills is just as important as maintaining and improving my technical skills (and yes, I still write code quite regularly), so you’ll find me polishing my communications technique quite often. As I read, learn, practice and present, I’ll share what knowledge I pick up along the way, so as I often write: watch this space!

One reply on “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs”


So do you have any idea how much other useful information can be gleaned from the book, having already been through the slides?

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