
TWC9: 100th Episode, Featuring VS2010 RC Tips, WPF and Bonus Footage

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imageThis Week on Channel 9, or TWC9 for short, is a weekly digest show hosted by Microsoft’s Dan Fernandez and Brian Keller covering the developer community news they find most interesting after sifting through hundreds of blogs, videos and announcements. It’s aimed primarily at .NET developers, but if you have any geeky tendencies at all, chances are they’ll cover something that appeals to you!

This week’s episode is their 100th, and in it, they cover:

Topic What it is or why it’s interesting
Second patch for IntelliSense crashes in the Visual Studio 2010 RC The RC is the last public build prior to RTM. It’s pretty rock solid, but users of touch displays, tablet PCs, screen reader software, and potentially some others as well may need these patches.

Enabling Silverlight 4 with the Visual Studio 2010 RC (NOTE: This is an unsupported hack.) The RC of Visual Studio 2010 did not support Silverlight 4. This support is “coming” but no timeline yet. In the meantime, you can try this hack.

Getting Silverlight 3 to build with Team Build 2010 by Martin Hinshelwood If your projects use Silverlight 3 and you use Team Build on a 64-bit server, you’ll need this. But it’s also a good look at debugging a Team Build 2010 workflow.

What’s new in Visual Studio 2010 (ALM | The rest) There is a LOT of new stuff in this release. Blink and you’ll miss something. These documents do a pretty thorough job of documenting the goodness.

Beta of FireFox testing package for Visual Studio 2010 is now available Visual Studio 2010’s testing framework is extensible and will provide support for additional target platforms via add-ins from Microsoft and 3rd parties.

Optimizing Visual Studio 2010 and WPF applications for Remote Desktop via Greg Duncan. The Visual Studio 2010 IDE makes heavy use of WPF. If you RDP into a development workstation, or build applications in WPF, this post is a must-read.

Configuring VS2010 with SourceGear’s diffmerge The diff / merge tool that ships with Visual Studio is fairly dated, but it’s easy to swap in your favorite tool in its place. This one is free, and comes highly recommended.

Expression Studio 3.0 Tutorials from Paolo Barone Free hands-on tutorials featuring Silverlight, DeepZoom, SketchFlow, and more…

Roundup of WPF Documentation Samples Some good stuff in here; Snoop = “Firebug for WPF”, Inkscape = vector graphics editor…

Write code to enter the NASA Pathfinder Innovation Challenge There are dozens of coding competitions out there at any given time, but we thought this one was really cool – you can either build a “mechanical Turk” game or an image recognition application. And c’mon… it’s Mars! That should be reason enough.

Some (not all) MSR TechFest 2010 content is public and online It’s Microsoft Research’s science fair, and they’ve got some pretty cool stuff this year.

Telling the Visual Studio 2010 testing story with Deep Zoom, and SpeakFlow as a new non-linear presentation medium based on Deep Zoom.

It’s an interesting application of Deep Zoom.
After the credits, some 100th episode bonus materials Because you’re just dying to know.


This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.