
If You Speak Python, Science Also Needs Your Brain!

Samuel L. Jackson from "Snakes on a Plane" talking on a phone and holding a snake: "Python! Do you speak it?"

Yesterday, I wrote about an opportunity to help a University of Toronto grad student build a tool to help programmers build and debug database queries. Today, I present a similar opportunity.

Once again, it’s one of the grad students of Greg Wilson, whose name you might recognize – he’s the co-editor of the must-read O’Reilly book Beautiful Code, and this student, Mike Conley, is looking for Python (and yes, IronPython counts) coders. If you’re an undergraduate programming student in the Greater Toronto Area, you’ll want to check this out:

Subjects are needed to take part in a study concerning peer evaluation and grading. Participants will be asked to complete small, fun programming exercises, and peer grade other submissions. Time needed for the study is approximately 1.5hrs and takes place in person in the Bahen Center at the University of Toronto.

Subjects should be undergraduate computer science students with programming experience in Python.

Participants will be entered into a draw for a $100 Best Buy gift card.

If you think you can help Mike with his project, drop him a line!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.