
.NET MEAP Books at Half Price!


Perhaps you missed the sale earlier this month, but Manning’s holding one again! Today (Monday, October 25th), Manning Publications is holding a half-off sale on their MEAP — “Manning Early Access Program” – books. MEAP is their way for you to get an advance look at their in-progress books, and yes, once the book is complete, you also get the final version of the book in ebook form.

Want in on this deal? Enter the discount code dotd1025ccb when you check out at

Manning’s MEAP ebooks on .NET topics are:

  • ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice
  • C# in Depth, Second Edition
  • Continuous Integration in .NET
  • Dependency Injection in .NET
  • Hello! Silverlight
  • IronRuby in Action
  • Microsoft Entity Framework in Action
  • Multitouch on Windows
  • SharePoint 2010 Site Owner’s Manual
  • SharePoint 2010 Web Parts in Action
  • SharePoint 2010 Workflows in Action
  • SQL Server DMVs in Action
  • Windows PowerShell in Action, Second Edition

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.