
Yorkville Media Centre’s Windows Web Dev Sessions

yorkville media centre

Microsoft Canada is working with Yorkville Media Centre (YMC), a downtown Toronto learning facility where where you can learn the skills you need to work in digital media. Typically, YMC covers building websites with open source technologies like PHP, MySQL and WordPress, but this time, they’re doing so with a slight twist: they’ll still be building a site on open source technologies, but they’ll be doing so with Microsoft development tools and products such as the Web Platform Installer.

The course runs for nine weeks and takes place for a few hours every Saturday, and as an added bonus, they’ll be recording the whole thing as a series of documentary-style videos. You’ll see a season at Yorkville Media Centre, from the start where they introduce both open source and Microsoft tools and technologies right to the end, where they’ll have produced a fully-functioning web application.

Here’s their first video, Session 1: Industry Overview, which introduces YMC’s Mark Reale, the rest of Yorkville Media Centre and the people taking the course:

We’ll post these videos here as Yorkville Media Centre release them throughout the season. If you’re looking to learn about WordPress on Azure, WebMatrix, the Web Platform Installer, Web Gallery or any other Microsoft web goodies, check out these videos!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.