
Scenes from TechDays Winnipeg, Part 2

As one of the people behind TechDays, I have become a machine that turns caffeine into conferences:

01 joey coffee

Here are Dana Epp and John Bristowe chilling out in the speaker lounge:

02 dana and john

At TechDays, we have a little post-mortem meeting at the end of each day to assess how the day went, what needs fixing, and to make notes for the next city.

03 post-mortem

TechDays Winnipeg wouldn’t been possible without our friends at Imaginet. Not only did they provide a large number of speakers (many of whom did more than one presentation), they also held an after party on the evening of Day 1. Here’s John Bristowe tearing up the dance floor playing Dance Craze – he’s making the “Superman” move to the tune Soulja Boy:

04 bristowe superman

Here’s David Wesst talking about Visual Studio 2010 and web deployment:

05 wessty

Here’s the scene in the “Developing for Three Screens and the Cloud” track, where Aaron Kowall talked about Entity Framework 4:


07 Aaron Kowall

Day 2 brought the second part of Mark Arteaga’s presentation on Windows Phone 7 development:

08 mark arteaga

At the same time, Dave Harris presented on build automation with Visual Studio 2010:

09 dave harris

The halls were busy with activity between sessions:


Here’s Damir Bersinic striking a rather Buddha-esque pose onstage at lunch:

11 zen damir

Rick Claus did his usual excellent job MCing at lunch12 Rick

Here’s D’Arcy Lussier practicing his Intimidating Luchador Look after his session on webforms and ASP.NET 4:

13 Darcy

Francis Beaudet talked about making the best use of Expression Blend:

14 francis

Aaron Kowall tossed T-shirts to people who correctly answered his pop quiz questions on web load testing:

15 Aaron Kowall

Sitting at the back of the “Developing for Three Screens and the Cloud” room, these guys looked as if they were up to no good:

16 Trouble inc

…but Jason The ignored them as he talked about SharePoint development for ASP.NET guys:

17 Jason The

Final session of the final day! John Bristowe took the reins in the “Optimizing the Development Process” track with Visual Studio 2010 Tips and Tricks:

18 John bristowe

While Evan Hutnick schooled the audience on ASP.NET MVC:

19 Evan Hutnick

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.