
Web Camp in Montreal–Saturday, February 5th

Microsoft Web Camps

(Here’s a post from Frederic Harper, who hasn’t been set up to post on Canadian Developer Connection just yet.)

The first Montreal Web Camp, organized by Microsoft in collaboration with the Montreal .NET Community, will take place at the Microsoft Montreal office (2000 Avenue McGill College) on February 5th 2011 from 9AM to 4:30PM. You are from the Montreal area, understand French (the presentations will be in French but you’ll be able to ask questions in English), are a professional developer or not, and want to learn about MVC, OData, JQuery and meet others passionate Web developers? Join us for this day full of cutting edge Web technologies presented by professionals.

To be part of the fun, you need to register here. Optional: you can get the free Web Camps training kit here. BTW, lunch is included so if you register, please make sure to attend. Looking forward to seeing you there!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.