
Vote for Canadian Presenters at MIX11 / Save $500 with Early Registration!

Vote for Canadian Presenters at MIX11! - Photo collage of Francis Beaudet, David Wesst, Charles Nurse, Amir Barylko, Yaroslav Pentsarskyy, Colin Melia, Miguel Carrasco and Steve Syfuhs

MIX11 is just like the Kinect – you are the controller! MIX, Microsoft’s conference on web and mobile technologies and its most right-brained, designer-friendly gathering, takes place in Las Vegas from April 12th through 14th. They opened the door to session submissions a little while back, and now it’s time to vote for which sessions should take place. As expected, a number of Canadian developers – all of whom have spoken at TechDays and other Canadian developer events – have had their submissions accepted and they now need your support!

Please take a look at the sessions proposed by our Canadian developer friends listed below and vote for them! And vote soon – the voting closes this Friday, February 4th at 3:00 a.m. Eastern (12:00 midnight Pacific).

mix banner

Remember, you can save big bucks by registering for MIX early! If you register by February 11th, you’ll save $500 off the registration fee (knocking it down from USD$1395 to USD$895) and receive one free hotel night when you book two or more nights at Mandalay Bay hotel (the MIX conference takes place at Mandalay Bay’s convention center).

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.

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