
Mark Arteaga on Canadian Developers, Windows Phone 7 and the IRS

mark arteaga

You vs. the IRS

If you’re a Canadian Developer writing Windows Phone 7 apps, you want to fill out the IRS paperwork – otherwise, Microsoft is required by US law to hold 30% of the money you’re due for US Federal taxes. Of course, as a non-US citizen, you shouldn’t have to pay US taxes, so it’s important that you fill in that paperwork!

Paperwork isn’t fun and government paperwork is often byzantine and confusing, but worry not: Mark Arteaga, one of my go-to guys for Windows Phone knowledge, programming experience and code, has written a blog entry explaining how to do that paperwork in a straightforward, step-by-step fashion. Check it out, follow his steps, do the paperwork and get all the money that you’ve earned!

superman vs. tax man(Yes, Superman had to take on a tax man. Read more about it here.)

Don’t get taken like Superman did: read Mark’s blog entry!

Mark Arteaga and RedBit Development

redbit developmentIf you’re a regular reader of this blog, the name Mark Arteaga should sound familiar. He’s a Windows Mobile MVP from the pre-Phone 7 days and he’s now a Windows Phone MVP. You’ve probably seen him speak at Techdays – in 2008 and 2009, when we had to beg and bribe people to attend his Windows Mobile sessions, and then in 2010 when he was presenting Windows Phone 7 to standing room only crowds, with more people watching his sessions outside the lecture hall on the external monitors. He also does presentations on Windows Phone at user groups and many of our Windows Phone workshops.

He’s got his own mobile development firm, RedBit Development, where he works with developer Barranger Ridler.

RedBit Development are behind some of the highest-profile Canadian Windows Phone 7 apps out there:

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.