
More Books on Windows Phone 7 Development

Yesterday, I wrote about ebooks on writing apps for Windows Phone 7 that you can download for free. There’s more literature on WP7, and if you’ve got a little money to shell out, here’s what you can get:

programming windows phone 7 silverlight     programming windows phone 7 xna

Programming Windows Phone 7: Microsoft Silverlight Edition and Programming Windows Phone 7: Microsoft XNA Framework Edition takes the Silverlight and XNA parts of Charles Petzold’s free 1,000-plus page ebook Programming Windows Phone 7 and puts it them into two separate paper books (a good idea; 1,000 page books are pricey, hard to bind and hard to lug around). If you’d rather have Petzold’s wisdom in graspable paper form than as an ebook, these are the books for you.


beginning windows phone 7 development

windows phone 7 game development

Apress have a couple of books on writing apps for WP7: Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development, which is largely about writing apps using Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 Game Development, which covers game development –_mostly in XNA, but it also has a section devoted to games written in Silverlight.


professional windows phone 7 application development

From Wrox comes Professional Windows Phone 7 Application Development, another grand-tour-of-WP7 book covering both Silverlight and XNA development on our favourite phone platform.


This article also appears in The Great Canadian Apportunity.