
Microsoft and the Relief Efforts in Japan

microsoft loves japan

Some quick notes on what Microsoft is doing for Japan in light of the recent earthquake and tsunami:

  • Microsoft Corporate (as in the head office in Redmond) made an initial commitment of $2 million to support relief efforts. $250,000 of this is a cash donation to the Japanese Red Cross.
  • Free-of-charge support, software licences and online services to help Japan’s businesses and organizations get back up and running. We’ve made Windows Azure available to government and nonprofit organizations to help assist communication and collaboration between agencies and citizens.
  • Additional support to be determined in the future. From past disasters, we’ve learned that some of the most important donations are made after the initial rescue and recovery efforts. As Japan moves from the rescue to the rebuilding phase, they’ll need support and we’ll be there.
  • Microsoft Canada is working with the Canadian Red Cross, who’ve taken the lead with relief efforts in Japan.
  • Microsoft Canada’s leadership team have a dollar-for-dollar matching donation program – for every dollar that Canadian employees donate to relief efforts in Japan, Microsoft Canada will contribute a dollar. I’m in.

For a more official summary of Microsoft’s contributions to Japan, please visit the Corporate Citizenship site.

If you’ve got some cash to spare, please consider donating to the relief efforts in Japan! They’ve given us techies so much, from semiconductors to Sony to Street Fighter to Samurai Pizza Cats – let’s give them some love in return.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.