
Tomorrow’s Royal Wedding Afternoon Tea with Toronto’s Lady Bloggers

afternoon tea

I’m actually on vacation this week – I exited Microsoft as of last Friday and will be entering Shopify on Monday – so the Windows Live demo that I’m doing tomorrow is something I’m doing gratis, like a hobby or something to do in lieu of catching a matinee.

The negotiation went something like this:

Lesley (who works at the PR firm High Road Communications): Would you be available on the 27th to do a Windows Live demo?

Me: Actually, you probably haven’t heard yet, but I’m leaving Microsoft to join Shopify. My last day’s on the 22nd. I’m going to be taking it easy before heading up to Ottawa.

Lesley: It’s an afternoon tea and the guests are all women.

Me: …aaaaaaand what time would you like me to arrive?

The assignment is simple: do a tech demo at a Royal Wedding-themed afternoon tea. I can do that.

Fun fact: This is an afternoon tea, not a high tea. There’s a difference!

So along with my former coworker Ruth Morton, I’ll be demonstrating some features of Windows Live to some notable bloggers including She Does the City, Lauren O’Nizzle, Erin Bury, Casie Stewart and Raymi the Minx, who’s going to be wearing this:


Raymi writes:

i’ll be wearing this for high tea tomorrow and i have a flower on my arm to match the print. i’m going president’s wife angelica houston styles visiting tropical climate royalty, except with a fancy hat or some kind of insane feathery headdress of sorts with my hair straight down and blond. this is in front of my aunt’s old coach house october 4 2008 and this belonged to her, i think she said she bought it at g’s from those nice tibetans, maybe possibly incorrect here. anyway it will be the first time i ever wear it in public. the ante has been upped guy. i am just pumped not to have to buy a dress, well that part’s great but the trying on is exhausting and i have no energy for it.

I will look through my closet tonight for something appropriate. I leave it to you to guess what how I interpret “appropriate”.

This should be interesting.

This article also appears in The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.

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