
Your Faithful Scribes are Working Away at Fixing the Docs

Woodcutting of a scribe working on a text, with the thought bubble "WTF?"

This is just a quick update to let you know that yes, we know that the Shopify developer documentation needs work. There’s a fair bit of information there, but it could stand some improvement. There’s some missing information, it could be organized better, there are parts of it that are confusing and there need to be examples in languages and frameworks other than Ruby and Rails.

This update is also here to let you know that we’re actively working on it, bit by bit, every day. As I write this, David Underwood and are are working on a wholesale reorganization of the developer sections of the wiki and clear writeups of all the API resources, including explanations of the parameters they expect and the attributes they return as well as how they relate to other resources and what effects they have on shops. We’re also working on more example code, in more languages.

If you’ve got comments, questions and suggestions about the docs or what we’re doing with them, please let us know — feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line.

This article also appears in the Shopify Technology Blog.