
Mobile Developer News Roundup: LinkedIn TechTalks on HTML5 Mobile Apps and jQuery, and jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 Alpha Announced

It’s a holiday in my neck of the woods here in Canada — the Civic Holiday — so I’m making this Mobile Developer News Roundup short and sweet. To all of you who get the day off, have a good one! To those of you who have to work today: well, I was doing some job hunt-related stuff, so I was doing some work anyway.

LinkedIn TechTalks on Building Performant HTML5 Mobile Apps and jQuery

They’re new to me, and they might be new to you: LinkedIn holds regular “TechTalks” on various development topics at their Mountain View headquarters, which they also post online. The latest two TechTalks they’ve posted are Building a Performant HTML5 App, featuring some of the HTML5 mobile app tricks they use (posted above), and jQuery at LinkedIn, a tour of the really cool things that it does and how they use it at LinkedIn, posted below:


jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 Alpha Announced

According to the announcement, this release features “a new popup widget, an autodivider option for listviews, and a host of enhancements and fixes throughout the library to make things smoother, faster, and more polished.”


The “Developer Middle Class” Gets a Boost From iPhone and Android App Stores

ReadWriteWeb take a look at Flurry Analytics’ blog post, The Great Distribution of Wealth Across iOS and Android Apps, and make these observations:

  • Apps are bringing in more money as more people buy smartphones and tablets. Flurry’s estimate of the value of the app ecosystem, which includes in-app advertising, is just shy of $9 billion for 2012.
  • The growth of the “long tail” in mobile app stores is growing the “middle class” who are neither the top sellers nor at the bottom of the market.A larger proportion of developers is reaping the benefits.

For more on this “middle class”, see the section on “The Next 19%” from my mobile roundup on July 31st.
