
iOS 7 Tech Talks – Coming Live to Cities in October, Videos Online in December

ios 7 tech talks

Are You Lucky, and Will You Be in One of The Select Major Cities?

If you weren’t able to get to WWDC this year — and that’s most of you, given that it sold out in less time that it takes to order a fast food meal during the lunch rushyou’ve got another shot at seeing some up-close-and-personal iOS developer talks thanks to the iOS 7 Tech Talks, which will take place in the following cities and dates:

  • San Francisco – October 8 and 9
  • New York – October 15 and 16
  • Tokyo – November 6 and 7
  • Shanghai – November 12 and 13
  • Berlin – December 12 and 13
  • London – December 17 and 18

The first day in each city is designated “App Developer Day”, while the second is “Game Developer Day”. Presumably due to demand, if you want to attend, you can pick only one — you can’t attend both. Furthermore, each day in each city will be able to accommodate only 400 people, so there’s a lottery. If you’re an interested registered iOS developer (you have to be one to be eligible to attend), you should apply for the city closest to you, choose which day you want to attend, and you’ll have a chance to go. In order to qualify for the lottery, you have to apply by this Friday, September 27th at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. Eastern), so if you want to apply, apply now!

In Case You Can’t Make It to iOS 7 Tech Talks…

The good news is that Apple will post the videos from the talks on their Developer site. The bad news is that they won;t go online until after the last talk, which takes place in London on December 18th. Think of it not as a delay, but an early Christmas present!

In the meantime, you can always point your browser here at Global Nerdy, because I’ll be posting all sorts of useful iOS 7 developer stuff from various sources.

iOS Tech Talk Agendas

And now, the agendas for both the App Developer and Game Developer days…

App Developer Day Agenda

9:00 a.m.: App Developer Day Kickoff

Start the day with valuable recommendations for your iOS 7 development. Get inspired by the powerful new capabilities of iPhone 5s and gain key insights into creating next-generation apps on iOS 7.

10:00 a.m.: User Interface Design for iOS 7 Apps

iOS 7 sets a new standard for user interface design excellence and offers many opportunities for crafting immersive, delightful, and memorable user experiences. Discover how layering, tinting, Text Kit, motion effects, dynamics, and animation can make your apps more usable, unique, and intuitive.

11:00 a.m.: Architecting Modern Apps, Part 1

Learn the patterns that will help you quickly adopt new technologies and ensure that your app is taking full advantage of the latest devices and iOS capabilities. Dive into the details of moving to 64‑bit and see how your apps can tap into the Apple A7 processor.

12:00 p.m.: App Store Distribution and Marketing

Grab a quick lunch and dive into the business of marketing your apps on the App Store. Gain a better understanding of how apps get selected and featured on the App Store and key best practices for getting your app to a larger international audience. Learn how to align your marketing efforts and get details about the latest enhancements to iAd and iTunes Connect.

2:00 p.m.: Architecting Modern Apps, Part 2

See how technologies like Text Kit, Dynamics, and Auto Layout make it easy to build flexible, modern interfaces. Gain expanded control over your user interface with powerful new animation APIs to enable custom transitions.

3:00 p.m.: Integrating iOS 7 Technologies

New technologies in iOS 7 introduce many exciting opportunities for your apps. Learn to implement capabilities such as background downloading, silent push notifications, and iBeacon support. Gain valuable insights into how to use these cutting edge technologies while still supporting users who haven’t upgraded yet.

4:00 p.m.: Security and Privacy in iOS 7

Securing your users’ personal and business information has never been more important and honoring your users’ privacy is paramount. Learn the best and latest techniques for app security and privacy and find out exactly how to use the keychain, data protection, secure transport, and identifier APIs most effectively.

5:00 p.m.: Hidden iOS 7 Development Gems

With such a wide variety of frameworks and APIs to choose from in Cocoa Touch, it’s easy to miss some of the real gems. From tips for how to get the most out of Xcode 5 to harnessing the power of the Objective-C language to entire classes you might not have thought about using, everybody is sure to take away practical and useful tips and tricks to make developing iOS apps easier and more productive.

Game Developer Day Agenda

9:00 a.m.: Game Developer Day Kickoff

Start the day with valuable recommendations for your iOS 7 development. Get inspired by the powerful new capabilities of iPhone 5s and gain key insights into creating next-generation games on iOS 7.

10:00 a.m.: Advances in OpenGL ES 3.0

OpenGL ES provides access to the exceptional graphics power of the Apple A7. See how the innovations in OpenGL ES 3.0 deliver incredible graphics in games and other mobile 3D apps. Learn about advanced effects enabled by the latest API enhancements, and get specific tips and best practices to follow in your apps.

11:00 a.m.: Architecting Modern iOS Games

Learn the patterns that can help you quickly adopt new technologies and keep your games on the cutting edge. Understand how to use powerful constructs from UIKit to make your game feel at home on iOS. Dive into the details of moving to 64‑bit and see how your games can tap into the Apple A7 processor.

12:00 p.m.: App Store Distribution and Marketing

Grab a quick lunch and then dive into the business of marketing your apps on the App Store. Gain a better understanding of how apps get selected and featured on the App Store and key best practices for getting your app to a larger international audience. Learn to how to align your marketing efforts and get details about the latest enhancements to iAd and iTunes Connect.

2:00 p.m.: Developing 2D Games with Sprite Kit

Sprite Kit is a powerful graphics framework ready-made for developing 2D action games, platformers, puzzle games, and much more. Dive into the practical workflow of developing a 2D game and learn key details about the Sprite Kit API. Discover how to leverage built-in physics support to make animations look real, and learn about using particle systems to create essential game effects such as fire, snow, explosions, and smoke.

3:00 p.m.: Integrating iOS 7 System Technologies

Join us for a deep dive into new technologies in iOS 7 that can enable you to reduce your app’s bundle size, keep your apps in communication with your server, prevent game score tampering, and more. Gain valuable insights into best practices for building networked games. And protect your reputation by following best practices for security and privacy. Learn how to use these cutting edge iOS 7 technologies while still supporting users who haven’t yet upgraded.

4:00 p.m.: Integrating iOS 7 Game Technologies

Tap into essential technologies to enhance the gameplay experience. Discover new techniques for managing players and tracking scores through Game Center, and get expert advice about the best practices to follow in your titles. Learn about the Game Controller framework and see how to take advantage of exciting new modes of input by adding support for physical game controllers.

5:00 p.m.: User Interface Design for iOS 7 Games

Truly outstanding iOS games go beyond addictive gameplay and beautiful graphics by presenting players with interfaces that are thoughtfully designed and carefully implemented. Receive practical advice about UI design and platform conventions that will make your game even more enjoyable.

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