
Kinetic Cafe and Saul Colt’s “Minds Beat Money 3” entrepreneurial event: Next Tuesday, January 28th in Toronto

minds beat money 3

minds beat money posterIf you’re in the Toronto area next Tuesday, January 28th, and you’re an entrepreneur looking for brain food, you should check out Kinetic Café’s and Saul Colt’s event, Minds Beat Money 3.

Here’s the event description:

Being an entrepreneur is extremely rewarding but can also be difficult. So many decisions to make daily, and while advice is everywhere, free good advice is getting harder and harder to find.

This is why Kinetic Cafe and Saul Colt dreamt up Minds Beat Money.

It’s a different kind of Entrepreneur Event.  Our featured startup eProf will “pitch” a problem they are facing or an idea they are playing with to our panel of experts and in real time the experts will do a creative workshop to solve that problem or validate the idea…but wait, there’s more!

This startup will get an additional 2 hours of workshop time with the experts to really make this a game-changing opportunity for the presenters and an interesting show for the attendees tired of the traditional networking event.

Between the presentations will be a Q&A with a surprise guest!

minds beat money 2

Kinetic Café have a writeup of their last Minds Beat Money event, featuring e Wondereur.comDossiyaThe White Ribbon Campaign, Ryan Taylor from Fair Trade Jewellery Company, and Grocery Gateway co-founder Scott Bryanwho’s now with Eventi Capital Partners.

Minds Beat Money 3 is free-as-in-beer to attend — sign up on their EventBrite page.

This article also appears in The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.

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