
Friday mobile tech videos!

tv heads dancing

TV Heads Dancing by Banksy.

It’s Friday! If things slow down where you work, you might enjoy these videos on the mobile industry and mobile tech; if things don’t slow down, you might enjoy these over the weekend. Enjoy!

How mobile technology could shape the consumer goods sector in the future

Video duration: 3 minutes, 1 second.

What’s the first thing you reach for when you wake up? For a lot of people, myself included, it’s my mobile device (sometimes it’s one of my phones, sometimes it’s my tablet). 77% of the world’s population have a mobile phone, and it’s changing everything, including consumer goods. This video is a narration-free “moving infographic” that presents some stats about the mobile industry, and how it’ll affect consumers and the consumer goods industry, all to a peppy dance beat.

Why mobile technology may well define the future of healthcare… for everyone.

Video duration: 2 minutes, 15 seconds.

A quick look at mHealth — that is, the delivery of healthcare services through mobile devices — and how quickly it’s moving from concept to reality.

Talking Tech with Consumer Reports at CES 2014: Smart phones, tablets & wearable tech

Video duration: 19 minutes, 17 seconds.

Here’s something a little longer: Consumer Reports talks about the mobile tech they saw at CES 2014 — the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

PocketNow Weekly #81: Lenovo eats Motorola, Galaxy S5 leaves fingerprints, Ryan Negri drops by

Video duration: 1 hour, 51 minutes, 35 seconds.

Love mobile tech? Got a couple of hours to kill? Maybe want some ear candy on in the background? Then you want to listen to The PocketNow Weekly podcast, episode 81, which covers:

this article also appears in the GSG blog