
Infographic: The mobile internet may hit 10 billion units/users

Orders of magnitude

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We’ve already hit the point where there are about as many mobile subscriptions as there are people. In Internet Trends 2014, Mary Meeker’s presentation for the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, each new generation of computing carries ten times the installed base of the previous one. With desktop internet having reached one billion users and the current growth of mobile, the pattern looks like it will hold true, giving mobile 10 billion units/users.

Meeker’s presentation is a 164-slide gold mine of information and insight into the present and future of mobility. If you have anything at all to do with mobile tech, you’ll want to at least give it a quick read. We’re going to be consulting it regularly for the next little while, and doing things like taking this chart…

original kpcb orders of magnitude chart

Click the graphic to read the report.

…and sprucing it up into the one at the top of this article.

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this article also appears in the GSG blog