
This is what Android programming feels like

android programming

In addition to taking iOS development with Swift for a test ride, I’ve been doing some exploratory Android development as well. I find myself agreeing with this assessment of iOS vs. Android development on TechCrunch:

Android has its advantages, but overall, it remains significantly easier to write good iOS apps than good Android apps.”

There are some great ideas in Android, and some areas where its APIs have an advantage over iOS’ (networking, notably — but as the TechCrunch article points out, third-party libraries have stepped up), but working with Java and Eclipse really tarnish the development experience. I know some people love that combo, but it ain’t my thing.

As for the photo above (it’s of a training simulator for prostate exams), I initially used it to describe my recent experience trying to cancel a mobile subscription and my feelings about telco customer service in general. I thought it applied equally to my feelings about Android development, and hey, I’m not letting a good pic go to waste!