
Scenes from last night’s Tampa Bay PHP meetup

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Last night saw the very welcome return of the Tampa Bay PHP meetup, the local gathering of PHP programmers and would-be programmers in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, and surrounding areas. It took place in the training room of Sourcetoad’s Tampa office (pictured below), which is also home of Tampa iOS Meetup.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

PHP is Sourcetoad’s preferred server-side programming language. I can’t think of a single current Sourcetoad project with a server application that isn’t written in PHP. As a PHP-powered software company with a long history of promoting and supporting Tampa Bay’s burgeoning tech scene, our natural impulse was to help re-ignite Tampa Bay PHP by promoting it, giving it a venue and providing food and drinks for its attendees.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

The presentation, Laravel for the PHPurist, was given by James LaChance. It was a dress rehearsal; he’ll be giving this talk at the upcoming Sunshine PHP conference. Instead of being an introduction to the Laravel framework, it was more a defense of the framework and the choices and reasoning behind its design, with particular emphasis on the Façade pattern, which it uses in abundance (see here for details on façades in Laravel).

Click the photo to see it at full size.

It was great to see the return of the Tampa Bay PHP meetup. We hope to keep seeing more of them, and we’d love to continue hosting!