
Joey deVilla’s augmented reality portfolio

Beginning ARKit video course (, April 2019)

Beginning ARKit is a video course offered at the premier mobile development tutorial site, It introduces iOS developers to building augmented reality apps for iOS with Apple’s ARKit library. In 41 bite-sized videos spanning 2 hours and 22 minutes, I take you from the AR version of Hello, World! and show you how to build:

  1. Happy AR Painter: A Bob Ross-themed AR painting app that lets the user “paint” in 3D space using geometric shapes that can be animated.
  2. Raykea: A version of the popular IKEA Place app that not only lets you place AR furniture in the room you’re in, but also draws posters on vertical surfaces.
  3. BaedekAR: An AR guidebook, or Baedeker, for paintings and photos in galleries, museums, or any place that displays 2D art. It does this using ARKit’s ability to recognize and detect known 2D objects.
  4. Into the Third Dimension: In which we take the BaedekAR app and turn it into an app that can recognize and detect known 3D objects.

Not only did I narrate the videos, but I created the script, and all the code and most of the graphics for the course.

The course is available only to subscribers, but some excerpts have been made available for online preview. I’ve included them below:

ARKit workshop and Getting started with ARKit tutorial (RWDevCon conference, April 2018)

RWDevCon 2018 was a mobile development tutorial conference covering iOS and Android development held from April 5th through 7th, 2018 in Alexandria, Virginia. I was the only speaker to have two sessions:

  • A four-hour pre-conference workshop on ARKit, and
  • A two-hour introductory tutorial on ARKit.

These sessions were the two highest-rated ones at the conference, based on attendee feedback forms. It was this feedback that got me an offer to create the Beginning ARKit video course.

The four-hour conference is available only to subscribers, but the two-hour tutorial was made freely available online and shown above.

Augmented Reality UX presentation (Tampa Bay UX, June 2018)

Based on the success of the ARKit sessions at RwDevCon 2018, I did a presentation at a Meetup of the combined Tampa Bay User Experience / Front-End Design Meetup with my wife, Anitra Pavka. We talked about build good user experiences for augmented reality, using both commercial applications as well as the applications I made for the RwDevCon presentations.

The slides from our presentation are below:

Tech editor on ARKit by Tutorials, first and second editions (2018 and 2019)

I was a tech editor on the first and second editions of the book ARKit by Tutorials, and am currently tech editing the third edition, due for release this fall.

Augmented Reality in Android with Google’s Face API (July 2017)

My AR portfolio isn’t limited to just iOS — I also have an article on Android AR: Augmented Reality in Android with Google’s Face API, a tutorial in which I show readers how to build Snapchat-style filters that draw comic images over detected faces.

Would you like to know more about my augmented reality work? Feel free to contact me at