Current Events Reading Material

I’ve finished revising the book!

I just put the last chapter of my revisions to iOS Apprentice, 8th edition to bed. It’s in the editors’ and layout’s hands now.

To me, this isn’t just any book. I learned iOS programming from an earlier edition, and from there, became a regular reader of the site that publishes the book, When the opportunity to write an article for them, I took it, and I gladly switched gears to Android, learned Google’s Face API, and the result was the highly rated Augmented Reality in Android with Google’s Face API.

From there, it led to all sorts of things, including not one, but two speaker sessions at their annual RWDevCon conference, where I did presentations on building iOS augmented reality apps — a two-hour intro session and a four-hour workshop. They were the highest-rated sessions of the entire conference. Here’s the two-hour version…

…and you can watch the four-hour version on

I also have a video series on developing ARKit apps. Here are some samples:

I was also a technical editor on the book ARKit by Tutorials, author of the Android articles Kotlin Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference and What’s New in Kotlin 1.3.

Now that I’ve finished writing the revision for the book, it’s time to look for my next gig. My last one — mobile developer at Lilypadevaporated in the COVID-19 economic downturn. In the meantime, I’ll be keeping busy as I continue to sharpen my development skills, write this blog, and do what I can for the Tampa tech community.

Are you looking for someone with both strong development and “soft” skills? Someone who’s comfortable either being in a team of developers or leading one? Someone who can handle code, coders, and customers? Someone who can clearly communicate with both humans and technology? Someone who literally wrote the book on iPhone development? The first step in finding this person is to check out my LinkedIn profile.