
Get 14 Python books for as little as $15 for a limited time only with the Humble Bundle!

If you’re looking to learn Python or boost your Python skills — either as planning for the future or dealing with a laid-off present — you’ll want to capitalize on Humble Bundle’s “Learn you some Python” book bundle, which gives you 14 Python books from No Starch Press for as little as $15!

Need some convincing to learn Python? Check out these recent articles:

What’s in the bundle

If you pay a mere one dollar, you get these first four ebooks: Teach Your Kids to Code, Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, Black Hat Python, and Gray Hat Python:

Pay at least 8 dollars, and you get these in addition to the previous four ebooks: Mission Python, Python for Kids, Cracking Codes with Python, Python Playground, and Math Adventures with Python

And finally, for you high rollers willing to part with at least 15 dollars, you get the previous 9 ebooks plus: Python Crash Course, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, Python Flash Cards, Serious Python, and Impractical Python Projects:

A limited time offer

As I write this (Wedensday, May 20th at 3:00 p.m. EDT), the offer is good for another 11 days and 23 hours. Once this deal expires, you’ll have to pay almost $400 for all these books. If you want these books on the cheap, get them now!

All these books are DRM-free, and you can get them in PDF, ePub, and mobi format. Better still, some of the money goes to charity. This is your chance to do good for yourself and for others!

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