Current Events Tampa Bay

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, January 4, 2021)

Take me to this week’s events

Happy New Year!

If you’re reading this, it means that you’ve survived 2020 and made it to a whole new year! I know that the current situation doesn’t really pay attention to arbitrary calendar divisions, but there’s a reason why we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. If you haven’t done so yet, take some time to reflect on 2020 and tink about what you’d like to accomplish in 2021. Global Nerdy is here  to help the people in the Tampa Bay tech scene meet their goals!

Sad new Meetup! (Or: Why this list even more useful than ever)

Over the holidays, changed their home page format, and it’s now even harder to find out what’s going on this week.

To see what I mean, go to and try to see what’s happening in Tampa this week. You’ll see something like this:

Events for any groups that you belong to will still be listed in chronological order. But everything else? It’ll be a mish-mash, with an event scheduled for next week followed by one taking place tomorrow, and all of them subdivided into sections to maximize your clicking and viewing pages instead of finding events.

This sort of mess is why I made this weekly list in the first place. Between our geographical spread, our limited time, and the pandemic, it was already hard enough to find tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events in Tampa Bay. Meetup’s new home page makes things worse. This list is meant not only to fix that problem, but to help facilitate Tampa Bay tech gatherings and help grow our scene.

Casting a wider net

I’ve tweaked the list a little — you’ll see that it now covers events within 100 miles of Tampa Bay, which includes some Orlando-based events. Howdy, neighbors!

I’m still listing only online events for the time being

I’m tired of the “new normal”, and I’m sure you are as well. But we’re not out of trouble yet:

  • 1 in 16 Americans has been infected with COVID-19 (20.5 million cases as of Sunday, January 3, out of a total population of 328.2 million).
  • 1 in 1000 Americans has died from COVID-19 (350,000 deaths as of Sunday, January 3, out of a total population of 328.2 million).
  • 1 in 16 Floridians has been infected with COVID-19 (1.35 million cases as of Sunday, January 3, out of a total population of 21.48 million).
  • 1 in 980 Floridians has died from COVID-19 (21,889 deaths as of Sunday, January 3, out of a total population of 21.48 million).

These numbers, coupled with the recent holidays — where a lot of people threw precautions to the wind — are why I’m doing my part and not promoting any in-person events just yet.

This list covers events from Monday, January 4 through Sunday, January 10, 2020.

Events — especially virtual, online ones — can pop up at the last minute. I add them to the list as I find out about them. Come back and check this article from time to time, as you might find a new listing that wasn’t there before!

This week’s events

Monday, January 4

Tuesday, January 5

Wednesday, January 6

Thursday, January 7

Friday, January 8

Saturday, January 9

Sunday, January 10

Do you have any events or announcements that you’d like to see on this list?

Let me know at!

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