Current Events Tampa Bay

12 things you may be doing wrong in your job search: Tuesday, Jan. 26 @ 10:00 a.m. EST

Since we’re still deep in a pandemic and the unemployment scenario that comes with it, the job market is even tougher to navigate than usual. Finding a job these days isn’t just about doing the right things, but also about not doing the wrong things.

If you’re having trouble landing a new job, or are just feeling frustrated about how your job search is going, you might want to attend Computer Coach’s free online workshop tomorrow: 12 Things You May Be Doing Wrong in Your Job Search. They’ll cover 12 common mistakes people make in their job search and how to start doing them right.

Here are the details:

A little more about Computer Coach

Graohic: Computer Coach Training Center logoSaying that Computer Coach are a Tampa Bay tech training school doesn’t do them justice. They’re also active participants and sponsors at local events, regular tech meetup organizers, and part of what makes the Tampa Bay tech scene special.

Computer Coach have been doing so much for the local tech scene during the pandemic. They’ve helped connect Tampa Bay locals with not just tech training, but funding for it as well.

Over the past summer and fall, they quickly spun up all sorts of tech courses so that students could complete them before the end of the 2020 calendar year in order to qualify for education grants. I should know; I taught a couple of their Python and JavaScript courses, which helped both the students (who were looking to skill up) and me (I was looking for work at the time, and the pay and experience were helpful).

Visit the Computer Coach site to see what courses they offer, and check out their Meetup group, Tampa Bay Tech Career Advice Forum, to find out more about their informative meetups!