Mobile Programming

Learn Android development by joining an Android Study Jam

This article is part of the Android August series, in which I’m writing an Android development-related article every day during the month of August 2021.

While you can learn Android programming alone and on your own, it’s often helpful to learn in a group setting, where you can ask questions, share ideas, and tackle problems together. That’s where Android Study Jams come in.

Android Study Jams are community events where people get together to learn how to build Android apps. Android Study Jam participants work through a curriculum created by Google that allows everyone to work at their own pace. These Jams are led by facilitators who organize events in their area and invite others to join and learn.

GDG SunCoast is the Tampa Bay area Google Developer Group, a group for developers and aspiring developers who are interested in Google’s developer technology. It covers everything developer-y that Google offers, such as Android, Java & Kotlin, Firebase, Progressive Web Apps with Polymer, Angular web apps, Google Cloud Platform), machine learning with TensorFlow and more.

GDG Suncoast has a regular online Android Study Jams session, and there’s one every Wednesday evening in August! They’re online, and they’re free — all you need is a computer that can run Android Studio (a Windows machine made in the last 5 to 6 years, or a Mac made in the last 10 years can do it). Check out their Meetup page, set aside an hour on Wednesday evenings, and learn some Android programming!

And in case you needed a reason to learn Android programming, check out these stats from ZipRecruiter:

Screenshot as of July 1, 2021. Tap to view the source.

If your interest is piqued, there’s an Android Study Jam this Wednesday.