Current Events Tampa Bay

Grit Daily’s Congressional Startup Day: Wednesday at Industrious Tampa

This Wednesday, August 11th, is Congressional Startup Day, and the startup news hub Grit Daily is holding a celebratory in-person event at the gorgeous coworking space, Industrious Tampa from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.!

Congressional Startup Day used to be known as “Startup Week Across America”. It takes place in August for a specific reason: That’s when the U.S. Congress takes its annual recess, and when lawmakers go back to their home districts. It’s a great time for senators and representatives to get in touch with entrepreneurs in the places they represent, and for entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs to share their ideas with elected officials and discuss the importance of the businesses and opportunities they create.

The 4X Latina VC Summit is the main attraction of the Congressional Startup Day, and you can catch it in person or virtually. It will feature four of the global top ten Latina VCs talking about all things money and startups:

  • Consuelo Valverde, founder and managing partner of SV Latam Capital in San Francisco.
  • Miriam Rivera, CEO of Ulu Ventures, and early seed stage venture fund in Silicon Valley focused on IT startups.
  • Luciana Carvahlo, the VP of People and Performance at Movile, Latin America’s largest tech investment group and accelerator.
  • Amanda Jacobson, the Chief of Staff for Oyster Financial, a neobank for SMBs that’s co-headquartered in Mexico City and San Francisco.

Here’s the event’s agenda:

1:00 – 5:00 p.m.Grit Daily’s Congressional Startup Day at Industrious Tampa.
2:30 – 3:00 p.m.Latina VC Summit, with Ayurella Muller (Forbes Columnist) and Loralyn Mears, Ph.D. (Grit Daily)
3:30 – 4:00 p.m.One-minute startup pitch competition x 12, Grit Daily Royale.
4:20 – 4:40 p.m.“How to Raise Money.” A panel with Loralyn Mears, PhD. with Todd Belveal (WashLava)
4:45 – 5:00 p.m.Closing Keynote by Florida Legislature Representative Jackie Toledo.
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.VIP dinner. Inquire for tickets. Limited to 20. VIP only.

Want to know more about this event or register? See the event’s EventBrite page.

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Remember, we’re in Florida, and we’re in the middle of an all-time high for COVID-19 cases. If you plan to attend the event in person, you should be fully vaccinated and mask up for the event. Alternately, you can attend the anchor event, the 4X Latina VC Summit, virtually.