Conferences Programming Tampa Bay

TampaCC: A FREE code camp event happening this Saturday, October 8th!

The venue: Keiser University, Tampa.

TampaCC, Tampa’s FREE annual code camp, where you can sharpen your software development skills, is happening this Saturday, October 8th in Tampa at Keiser University. This is your chance to learn something new and get to know the Tampa tech community!

I’ll say it again: it’s FREE to attend! Register here to let them know that you’re attending.

Here’s the schedule. Click the presentation names to find out more:

9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.Registration, breakfast, and sponsor meet and greet
9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.Keynote: Architecture and Cost Optimization (Greg Leonardo)
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.Azure AI Fundamentals by Demo (Usama Wahab Khan)
An Introduction to Redis for .NET Developers (Steve Lorello)
• Dev Containers in VS Code (Chris Ayers)
• IT Life Cycle and a Bit of DevOps – Industry Notes (Sam Kasimalla)
• Improve State Management with Reactive Development (Sebastian Castaldi)
• Home Lab – Private Cloud on a Budget (Jared Rhodes)
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.• Azure DevOps APIs – Things You Can Do with the APIs (Arthur Garcia)
• Azure Chaos Studio – Deliberately Introducing Faults (Jared Rhodes)
• Leadership Catnip (Scott Dorman)
• Web3 – Blockchain Myths for Developers (Russell Fustino)
• Build Cross-Platform Visual Novels, Simulations, and Games with Ren’Py (Joey deVilla)
• MLOps for the Rest of Us (Bartosz Mikulski)
12:00 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.Lunch and sponsor meet and greet
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.• Azure for the Enterprise – Getting Started (Jared Rhodes)
• Building in the Cloud with Bicep (Chris Ayers)
• Flow Engineering – Boost Velocity, Quality, and Happiness Through Your Entire Value Stream (Steve Pereira)
• Power Apps in the Real World (Christopher Cognetta)
• Indexng, Searching, and Aggregation with RediSearch and .NET (Steve Lorello)
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.• Count-Min Sketch to Infinity: Using Probabilistic Data Structures to Solve Counting Problems in .NET (Steve Lorello)
• Memory Management Fundamentals – GC Deep Dive (Scott Dorman)
• Pre-Heating Your Architecture for Data and Regulations (Tito Martinez)
• Manage Your Manager for Fun, Profit, and Career Success (Anitra Pavka)
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.• Microservices Architecture (Sebastian Castaldi)
• Azure Management for the Enterprise (Jared Rhodes)
• Cyber Incident Response Exercise – From Tech to Exec (Joey Hernandez)
• Getting Started with Explainable AI with Microsoft FairLearn (Adnan Masood, Ph.D.)
• Serverless Continuous Integration with Drone (Kevin Poorman)
4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.Closing ceremony and raffle

Keiser University is a great venue with lots of space for several simultaneous sessions and has been the gracious host of so many Tampa Bay tech events.

And of course, credit has to go to TampaCC’s long-time organizers, Kate and Greg Leonardo — thanks so much for putting this together! I’m looking forward to returning to TampaCC (and presenting, too!)

Want to attend (and remember, it’s FREE!)? Register here and we’ll see you on Saturday!