Design Humor Users

Watch this video: “What happened to text inputs?”

If you design or develop front ends, whether web, mobile, or even desktop, you really should watch the latest Web Briefs video by Heydon Pickering, What happened to text inputs?

Title card: “What happened to text inputs?", decorated with illustrations of three howling wolves and “type=‘silly’” and “type=‘pants’” tag attributes.
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The video starts with a twist on the classic parable, Inside you are two wolves. In this twist, one of the wolves is called “Adrian”…

Adrian wolf: A wolf wearing an “AltaVista” trucker cap, captioned with these bullet points:

- A user of the web
- Wants interfaces to be easy
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…and the other’s called “Chris”:

Chris wolf: A wolf wearing a “Macromedia” trucker cap, captioned with these bullet points:

- Designer for the web
- Wants to get ahead
- Has heard about “disruption”
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The video covers its topic very well, and very amusingly — stop messing with text input boxes and making them less usable! They should very clearly indicate that:

  • The user should enter some text into them (i.e. they should look like text inputs, and right now, the widely-understood convention is the text box)
  • What kind of text the user is expected to enter into them (i.e. use labels)
Examples of different text box styles, with the title “Only one of these is right!”

- text box, no label, placeholder as label
- Text box and label
- Text line and label
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The video also goes into topic such as why using text input value placeholders are a poor substitute for labels, as well as why the latest slew of aesthetic tricks are still worse than using a good ol’ text box and label.

If definitely worth checking out the video. Watch it now!