The Street Finds Its Own Uses For Things

Enjoy Molly White’s “Web3 Bingo” cards on Bitcoin Pizza Day

In “honor” of today (May 22) being Bitcoin Pizza Day — the day when we commemorate Laszlo Hanyecz’ 2010 bought two Papa John’s pizzas for 10,000 BTC (of course you’d buy fake pizza with fake money!) — I’m pointing you to these funny-because-it’s-true “Web3 Bingo” cards created by none other than Molly White, software developer and creator and curator of the site Web3 is Going Just Great.

Here’s the first one…

Card by Molly White. Tap to view the source.

…and here’s the second one:

Card by Molly White. Tap to view the source.

And because cryptocurrency can never a big enough dumpster fire, here’s a Bitcoin Pizza Day story: Bitcoin Pizza Day Turns Sour as Meme Coin Shysters Profit Over $200K in Rug Pulls.