Artificial Intelligence Current Events Meetups Tampa Bay

CoreX Legal’s “lunch & learn” seminar: “Useful AI Tools and How to Use (or Tolerate) Them in Your Business”

CoreX Legal is a Tampa-based law firm whose lawyers operate in the intersection of law and technology, and they’re holding an online seminar with the intriguing title Useful AI Tools and How to Use (or Tolerate) Them in Your Business. It’s happening this Thursday, July 20th at 12:00 p.m., and you can register (it’s free) here.

Here’s their writeup of the event:

The advent of the widespread use of artificial intelligence tools has occasioned significant legal and ethical concerns on many fronts. Notably, it seems likely that many uses of artificial intelligence involve rampant copyright infringement. Further, use of these tools can give rise to confidentiality, privacy, and security concerns.

Should governments regulate AI? Should companies enact policies regarding employee use of AI? What are the risks for people just trying to keep up with the latest technology.

Who the f**k knows, but this webinar will try to figure it all out … and give you own tools to navigate the rocky AI landscape in your business.

Once again, you can register for free here.