TL;DR: TechCrunch Consumer News Editor and Tampa Bay Techie Sarah Perez escaped her burning house with her daughter and dog last night — but they lost everything in the fire. There’s a GoFundMe to raise money for her — please donate!
I’ve known Sarah since that fateful BarCamp Tampa Bay in 2011 when met Anitra, which led me to move here to “The Other Bay Area.”
If you read TechCrunch, you’ve more than likely read Sarah’s work. If you think that I write a lot, wait until you see her output — she’s a mean writing machine, and with the combination of her work and her handle — SarahInTampa — she’s helping put Tampa Bay on the technology map.
If you’re a techie in Tampa Bay, and especially if you’re in a startup that she profiled and gave some much-needed exposure, please donate to her GoFundMe!