Do you remember the first Civo Navigate conference that took place at Armature Works last February? Do you remember how much fun it was to see an upstart cloud company give interesting presentations at Armature Works, the first time it was used as a tech conference venue?
We get to do it again! Civo are returning to Tampa with Civo Navigate Local Tampa 2024, a one-day conference taking place at Armature Works on Tuesday, April 16!

We’ll get to see CEO Mark Boost again…

…and the event will be hosted by Tampa Bay’s own Daniella Diaz and Suzanne Ricci (pictured below; sorry, Woz isn’t coming to this one).

The conference will feature two tracks:
- One for talks on various topics, including:
- Emerging tech
- Thought Leadership
- AI / ML
- Cloud Native
- Another for workshops
Find out more about Civo Navigate Local Tampa 2024 at the official site!
You can attend for $10 with my discount code!

The cost to attend Civo Navigate Local Tampa 2024 is normally $40, but you can reduce it to a mere $10 with my coupon code: JDCIVOLOCAL!