Conferences Current Events

5 reasons to go to Civo Navigate – and how to do it for 50% off!

Civo Navigate is an in-person conference taking place on Tuesday, February 8 and Wednesday, February 9 in Tampa at Armature Works, and here are some reasons why you should attend…plus a way to attend for 50% off!

Reason 1: The organizers — Civo

I’m reviewing cloud hosting options for backends for my mobile apps as well as some web apps I plan to build, and Civo’s pricing chart makes them look like a pretty good option right now. This conference is a good option to find out more about Civo.

Reason 2: The sessions

Being a “cloud native” technology company, the topics covered in their schedule are interesting:

  • Kubernetes
  • Machine learning
  • Edge computing
  • Security
  • DevOps

Machine learning, edge computing, and security are definitely up my alley, and I really need to find out more about Kubernetes — usually, I just say “That’s DevOps’ problem,” but it’s a topic that I really should get to know better.

Reason 3: Woz!

Woz — or if you insist on his “government name,” Steve Wozniak — is the keynote speaker, scheduled for Tuesday, February 7th at 8:50 a.m.! It’s always a delight to see him speak.

Reason 4: The venue — Armature Works

Many conference sessions take place in a space like this…

…but Civo Navigate is happening at Armature Works, a brick warehouse that used to house streetcars but is now home to a fantastic food hall and event space. Their sessions spaces look more like this:

And when it comes to conference food, Civo Navigate can promise better than the usual. That’s because they provide meal vouchers that you can use in Armature Works’ Public Market, pictured below:

I’m going to hit Empamamas for lunch and Buddy Brew for coffee.

Reason 5: Showing up has its benefits

Half of success, the saying goes, is simply showing up. Events like Civo Navigate are not just where you might learn something new, but also where chance meetings and opportunities happen. Ask me sometime about the number of great things that have happened to me because I attended a conference.

And now, how to attend Civo Navigate for 50% off

The coupon code TAMPAMEETUP50 will get you 50% off the standard ticket price. There are a limited number of discounts that can be applied using this code, so if you want to go, register now!

Humor Process

How you deploy a container on Kubernetes

Photo: Tour guide pointing at insanely complex panel in insanely complex control room: “And this is how you deploy a container on Kubernetes”
Tap to see at full size.

It’s funny because it’s true.

[ Thanks to Guy Barrette for the find! ]


Office 365 Public Beta: Available Now!

office 365

The news is all over online – perhaps you saw the PC World article or the official Microsoft announcement – Office 365 is out as a public beta and ready for you to take it for a spin! It’s the successor to BPOS, Business Productivity Online Suite and gives you productivity goodies such as:

Here’s a diagram that gives you the 10,000-foot view of what Office 365 can do for you (click to get the full-size version):

office 365 poster

If you’d like to get the public beta of Office 365, is the place to go! You’ll find out more about the various packages available for business, from small businesses who want to get stuff done but don’t have the IT department or infrastructure, up to the biggest enterprises looking to integrate Office 365 with their own infrastructure for that special you-got-your-chocolate-in-my-peanut-butter IT goodness.

There’s also the Office 365 Blog and the Office 365 Technical Blog, which show you how to best take advantage of Office 365 tools as well as performing advanced tasks and troubleshooting issues. If you’re the competitive type, there’s the Ready for Work contest where you can win $50,000, a one-year subscription to Office 365 for your business and more – and all you have to do is share your Office 365 success story on our Facebook group.

win 50000

Go for it – sign up for the Office 365 beta now!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.