Artificial Intelligence Humor

When you ask ChatGPT for a word that begins with “i”

Screenshot of ChatGPT conversation:

Me: I need a word that begins with "i" that is a synonym for speech or presentation

ChatGPT: A word that begins with "i" and is a synonym for speech or presentation is "address."

Me: "Address" doesn't begin with "i."

ChatGPT: Apologies for the oversight. A word that begins with "i" and is a synonym for speech or presentation is "oration."

Me: That doesn't begin with "i" either.

ChatGPT: You're right, my apologies for the oversight. A word that begins with "i" and is a synonym for speech or presentation is "interlocution."

Me: There you go. Nicely done.

Here’s your daily reminder that large language models don’t actually “understand” the world — at least not in the same way that we do. They’re stochastic parrots.

Artificial Intelligence What I’m Up To

Could ChatGPT do my job?

It’s been just over five weeks since the launch of ChatGPT (it happened on November 30, 2022). Since then, from casual conversations over the holidays to New York Times think pieces, people have been asking if ChatGPT could do their jobs.

Auth0 logo
Want to know how I landed my job at Auth0? I wrote about it back in 2020.

In case you’re wondering, I’m a Senior Developer Advocate at Okta for the Auth0 product. If that sounds confusing, it’s because Okta acquired Auth0 in May 2021, and while we’re one company, that company has two products named “Okta” and “Auth0”. It’s my job to show mobile developers how they can use the Auth0 product to authenticate and authorize users.

In the video above, I “had a conversation” with ChatGPT where I asked it some basic questions about OAuth2, OIDC, and Auth0, and it answered them correctly. However, when it got to questions about writing iOS and Android apps that used Auth0 for login, it got some details wrong — and in programming, it’s the details that get you. Watch the video to find out what happened!