
Facebook Development: Photos, Part 2

Facebook Polaroid Cameras

More Facebook application development goodness at the Tucows Developer Blog: Using the FacebookRestClient Class’ “Photo” Methods, Part 2: photos_get.


Facebook Development: Photos, Part 1

Polaroid Camera dispensing “Facebook” photo

Over at the Tucows Developer Blog, I have another article in my series on developing Facebook Applications in PHP using Facebook’s client code. In this article, I start looking at the FacebookRestClient class’ methods for dealing with photos, starting with the photos_getAlbums method.


Facebook Development: Groups, Part 2

“Rand Corporation” fake computer image, doctored to include some Facebook logos.

Over at the Tucows Developer Blog, I have yet another installment in my series of articles on developing Facebook Applications using their PHP 5 client library. In this article, I look at the FacebookRestClient class’ groups_getMembers method.


Facebook Development: Getting a User’s Groups

Photo of cats, captioned “WE CAN HAS FACEBOOK GROUP?”

Over at the Tucows Developer Blog, I have another installment in my series of articles on developing Facebook Apps in PHP: Using the FacebookRestClient Class’ “Group” Methods, Part 1.


“Hi, I’m Ruby on Rails…”

Since there’s considerable overlap between the Cult of Mac and the Cult of Rails, it was inevitable some Rails enthusiasts would make Rails advocacy videos borrowing from the style of the popular “I’m a Mac / I’m a PC” ads.

Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer of the blog Rails Envy are posting a series of Rails-themed “I’m a Mac”-style videos, one each day leading up to RailsConf, in order to get everyone fired up for the conference.

Here’s yesterday’s ad, in which Java plays the “PC” role:

Here’s today’s ad, in which PHP — who bears a strange resemblance to Java — is the PC: